Thursday, July 6, 2017

When Your Doctor Suggests Regular Mammograms, This Is What You Need To Say Back

low we give a video transcript coming from the interview conducted with Dr. Ben Johnson on the subject Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer. Read on and find out what he recommends women do about regular mammogram screening.

Dr. Ben Johnson : I wrote a book for ladies, The Secret of Health Breast Wisdom because we, like a medical society, are giving women breast cancer with our demanding they get mammograms. Mammograms cause breast cancer. Period. So mammograms aren‘t healthy for women. Women should not be getting routine mammograms. That’s crystal clear, published inside the peer review literature.

And yet today, if a woman visited her gynecologist or family doc, she would have this shoved down her throat, extreme coercion to go get this mammogram that‘s causing breast cancer. It’s not saving lives. You have a 4% increased risk of dying if you get mammograms, period.


Ty Bollinger : So the detection technique that we’re using, the main technique that we use to detect breast cancer, is causing breast cancer.

Dr. Ben Johnson : Absolutely, it’s a terrible test ; you know smashing women’s breasts and then irradiating with cancer-causing radiation. And then it’s so insensitive. For ladies under 50, it’s only like 52% effective, sensitive. Which means 52 is pretty near 50, right?

Ty Bollinger : Yeah.

Dr. Ben Johnson : So about half. That implies that half the women that have breast cancer, it wouldn‘t detect their cancer. That’s a terrible test. And thus there are much better tests. But this is what’s still being crammed down women’s throats today. Terrible test causes breast cancer.

Ty Bollinger : And it also doesn’t detect, it detects 50% and causes cancer. You said there were better options. What better options exist for detecting breast cancer?

Dr. Ben Johnson : Well there will be two better options. If you’ve got a lump, if you feel you’ve got something, ultrasound is great. It’s a test of anatomy. Mammograms are tests of anatomy. Ultrasounds are tests of anatomy. MRIs are tests of anatomy. So if you’ve already got a lump, you would like a test of anatomy.

So, that would be like an ultrasound because they can see the lump, they could see its consistency. They could see where there’s calcium inside it. And they could look into blood flow because tumors will have increased blood flow. So, for instance, a sensitivity of ultrasound is up around 80%. It’s much above mammograms. And the sensitivity is higher too.

But if you’re looking about prevention, if you’re referring to screening, there’s really just one device out there and that is thermography. An infrared thermal camera. Nothing touches the lady. Nothing smashes her breasts. There’s no cancer causing radiation.

Once we sit here, We‘re omitting heat inside the spectrum called infrared. There’s infrared, visual, and ultraviolet. So this is the infrared spectrum of light, which our eyes don’t see, but which is extremely detectable from the camera. The military developed this so that they could see people sneaking at them at nighttime and so that they could shoot down missiles and things because they’re producing heat.

Ty Bollinger : Sure, like night vision goggles.

Dr. Ben Johnson : There you go. Night vision goggles are infrared goggles. So we apply it like a medical application to detect hotspots inside the breast.

Well long before there was a tumor there, there were cancer cells. Probably 8 to 10 years before there would be a tumor, there were cancer cells beginning to grow. Two cells, four cells, 16 cells, 144 cells, etc. It takes about eight years until you get to a few centimeter in size for any mammogram or an ultrasound to detect it. Well that’s past too far. Because that one-centimeter tumor, about five-sixteenths in an inch, less than half an inch, is about one billion cells.

When you get to one billion cells, cancer has already eroded into the lymphatic system and also the venous system and it’s shedding cancer cells all with the body. So that’s why mammograms—one from the many reasons mammograms don’t save lives, It‘s NOT early detection. That’s one of the little lies they’ve propagated along. “Early detection saves lives. Get your mammogram today. ”

Ty Bollinger : Right.

Dr. Ben Johnson : Well, that statement’s true. Early detection does save lives. It’s just that mammography Isn‘t early detection ; it’s too late. And then the cancer-causing radiation. So the long and also the short is you’re causing much more breast cancer with mammograms than you‘re detecting.

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